10 July 2014
The Fitpro of the year event is looming ever closer... time for a check list!
Train tickets - sorted!
Fab hotel with swimming pool - sorted!
Pretty frock -sorted!
New Sweaty Betty gym gear for interview - sorted!
Massively high heels (I never wear heels!) to go with frock - sorted!
Preparations for the interview - erm, work in progress....!
Yes, there's only a week to go until my Fitness Professional of the Year 2014 interview with that panel of judges I keep mentioning. I look back and realise that the last time I was on the receiving end of soemthing like this was when I did my PhD viva, and that was a looonnnnnnggg time ago!
But you know what? We all have to get out of our comfort zones and go for it, otherwise we never progress. So, that's what I am going to do.
Ladies, YOU made this possible for me and I'm going to do my absolute best to make you proud, come what may!
And on that note.... I'm off to prepare my interview for Fitness Professional of the Year.
PS Want to see the shoes I've bought to go with the frock? You'll never believe it but I can actually walk in them - I tested them at my son's Prize Giving the other day (I was the tallest woman in the room with them on!!).