What are the benefits of exercise during the preconceptual period?

There's no doubt that falling pregnant is a moment when many of us take stock, take stock of our health, our wellbeing and our fitness. For numerous women, fitness has never much featured on the agenda but on discovering that they are expecting, they sudden find themselves turning to pregnancy exercises, for the good of their growing baby as well as for their own benefit. And they are right to do so: pregnancy exercises have numerous benefits.

But what about the pre-conceptual period? Surely it would be even better to start getting oneself into top shape well before conceiving? The answer is, of course, that yes, that is by far the best option, preferably a good 6 months prior to conceiving. And here's why:  

Exercise during the preconceptual period has lots of benefits:

  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Helps you lose weight if you are carrying excess weight by speeding up your metabolism
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels
  • Builds strength and stamina
  • Strengthens your bones, protecting you from osteoporosis
  • Reduces stress levels which adversely affect fertility
  • Improves your sense of wellbeing and self-esteem
  • Gives you energy

And the wonderful thing about getting one's health and fitness regime into place well before becoming a mum-to-be is that you will then be able to carry on with your current routine for pregnancy exercises, rather than having to start from zero and find something completely new to do.

In short, let's get exercising as soon as possible, because when it comes to pre-conception, pregnancy and then motherhood, you will be giving both you and your baby the very best start!