Hypnobirthing Life Skills

By Suzy Ashworth

This morning I woke up feeling slightly stressed. I’d been having quite an intense dream.

My husband and I had chosen to downsize and had been looking at new smaller flats. One of the flats was in fact somewhere I had lived previously – in real life. While we were taking a look around, the place was being invaded by primary school aged children. They were EVERYWHERE. Running into the garage, up into the bedrooms, going through all of our private things. It was horrendous.

In the dream, I found myself getting more and more stress. Shouting at the children, pulling them out of my private belongings and trying to bully them into defeat…you can appreciate why I woke up rather flustered. It took me a good few seconds to come back to reality and quite quickly I realised that order had been restored and it really was just a dream.

Why am I telling you this? Because the thing that made me smile wasn’t realizing that this intense – borderline nightmare – was just a dream, it was the thought that came directly after re-orientating myself back to the safety of my bedroom. Which was, ‘of course that would never happen in real life. I’m a hypnobirther.’ Seriously. That’s what I thought.

I know it may sound a bit strange as the last time I used hypnobirthing in it’s official capacity was two and a half years ago with the birth of my daughter Coco. However, once a hypnobirther, always a hypnobirther. Often the clients that find us at The Calm Birth School, come to us because they’ve heard about the possibility of a pain free labour. Or know they want to feel more in control during labour and are looking for tools and skills they can learn during their pregnancy to help them stay calm on the day they meet their baby for the first time.

However, hypnobirthing is so much more than that, when you incorporate what we teach, as we advise, into your everyday life. When our Mums start The Calm Birth School program and learn the first breathing techniques we tell them they will become an expert in deep relaxation and emotional control. Which will allow them to deal with the stressful situations they might find themselves in, in the lead up to labour and birth, with grace and ease. And that is where the strength in hypnobirthing lies postnatally too.

Once you have learnt these skills you have them for life. Can you imagine just how valuable it is to be able to find yourself feeling deeply relaxed, when it’s 4am in the morning, you are running on empty and you’re still trying to comfort a baby that doesn’t seem to understand the concept of sleep yet?


So come and join me on the forum where I will answer all of your questions on how hypnobirthing can help you during pregnancy, birth and in the postnatal period. So you don’t have to worry about losing your mind, if you ever find yourself over run with unruly primary schoolers. Mmm, as my son approaches starting ‘big school’ is September, maybe it’s not such an out there dream after all.


Suzy xx