How to reduce pain in childbirth naturally

By Patti Good


Our number one fear as humans is the unknown and for any first time mums, giving birth rates right at the top of the ‘great big unknown list’. Secondly, pretty much everything we've heard about giving birth is traumatic and scary and thirdly, there is very probably going to be pain involved.


Yikes! Those three factors are usually enough to plunge any of us into a deep dark hole! But the good news is that it's very easy to learn how to relax once you know how.


And relaxation is the magic doorway to a calmer, easier birth with potentially less pain involved!



Why? Because when you are deeply relaxed the body releases endorphins. This means you are literally eliminating any stress hormone because you can’t have endorphins and stress hormone present at the same time. Cool right?!


And those lovely little endorphins are 200 times stronger than morphine so they are really are your best friend if you want a gentler birth with less pain.


So how can you ensure your body is flooded with endorphins? Here are 3 great ways…




A simple technique is to breathe in counting from one to four. Then gently exhale counting from one to eight. Allow yourself to just take your time focusing all your attention on your breathing. If you don’t get all the way to eight, no problem, just take it to 6 or whatever feels comfortable whilst ensuring you are extending your exhalation.


Follow this pattern of breathing in for the count of four and breathing out for the count of eight for three or four minutes.


Notice how your body immediately starts to feel calmer and more centred? The more you use this breathing, the easier it becomes. You can use this breathing technique anytime, day or night and it will immediately cause the body to relax.




Taking time out each day is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and your baby. Taking 10 or 20 minutes to go into deep relaxation has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, enhance your immune function and significantly increase your feelings of well-being. And it will give you fabulous bonding time with your little bab!


Good relaxation practice involves the following

Setting aside 10 or 20 uninterrupted minutes

Sitting or lying in a comfortable position

Using a specific tool to help quiet the mind. Some relaxing classical music or a guided visualisation tool like “Relaxation for Calm Pregnancy”.


Download your FREE copy by visiting





HypnoBirthing is an ante-natal option that is designed to help you release any fears or concerns you have about giving birth. The programme works by eliminating fear and then arming you with a whole host of practical tools and techniques to help your body achieve deep relaxation.


Almost 70% of women who attend classes and practice the techniques end up having drug-free natural births with significantly reduced discomfort. Amazing!


To find a class in your area visit


All 3 of these options will help you to relax deeply. Relaxation releases endorphins and endorphins will help to reduce your pain in childbirth.


Help yourself have your best possible birth, start relaxing today!


If you have any questions regarding fears and worries about childbirth and how to use these natural, gentle techniques for childbirth, then pop over to the forum and drop me a question. I'm on the forum all week!

See you there,

Patti x