12 April 2021
Let’s hear a bit about your background….
I come primarily from a childcare and special educational needs background, after having my little boy I wanted a more flexible job role and found my position at The Nappy Gurus, since then I have fallen in love with cloth nappies and me and my family are always making eco-friendly switches in our everyday life!
And what about your field of expertise? How did that come about?
I had been using cloth nappies with my little boy from about 10 weeks old so I had some knowledge from hands on experience, the rest of my knowledge has been gathered through my work at TNG!
What do you most love about life?
Spending time with my family of course and I’m also really into photography!
OK, so what about the not-so-good-bits?
Washing up! And I’m seriously missing a cuppa with other mums right now, as I’m sure we all are!
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
My little boy, he’s nearly two now but will always be my baby!
What is your next big goal in life?
Oooh tough question… my current big goal is to get a home composting system sorted.. and finish the book I’ve been reading for about 4 months!
Coffee or herbal infusion?
English Breakfast tea every time!
Dark, milk or white chocolate?
As long as it’s chocolate!
What word or phrase do you most overuse?
So.. every sentence seems to start with it in my world.
What is the most important lesson that life has taught you?
That things never go to plan, and that’s okay!
What is your work or business philosophy?
The Nappy Gurus business is to connect, inform and inspire the next generation of cloth nappy parents.
What one piece of advice would you pass on to others?
In terms of cloth nappies and eco living- It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, and it’s okay to not know how to start! A thousand people making eco-switches imperfectly is better than one person doing it perfectly.. I can’t remember where I read that but it’s always stuck in my head!