Spotlight on:
How can pregnancy Pilates benefit you?
Are there any drawbacks to Pilates in pregnancy?
What are the dos and don’ts of pregnancy Pilates?
Is Pilates an ideal form of pregnancy exercise?
Pregnancy Pilates is one of the most popular forms of exercise among expectant mums, and the many books and DVDs dedicated to this discipline are testament to its effectiveness.
My online week-by-week pregnancy Pilates programme offers tailored, mum-to-be Pilates to keep you fit, strong and ache-free throughout pregnancy and beyond.
Want to give it a FREE try?
What are the benefits of Pilates in pregnancy, what are the dos and don’ts, and is this form of pregnancy exercise really ideal for mums-to-be? Read on to find out more, and make sure that you download your FREE guide on how to keep exercise safe in pregnancy.
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Pilates is a form of exercise which focuses on both mind and body, requiring concentration so that movements flow and are coordinated. Pilates in pregnancy places strong emphasis on postural alignment and strengthening, and keeping the corset of deep abdominal muscles strong, so as to help prevent back pain in pregnancy and help to tone your pregnancy tummy.
Pregnancy Pilates is particularly beneficial when it comes to the inevitable postural changes caused by the weight of your bump. It works on maintaining a tall posture by strengthening the postural muscles so that you can hold correct spinal alignment with ease. This, in turn, will help minimise back trouble. As your baby grows, the abdominal muscles inevitably become very stretched and weakened. These pregnancy exercises will keep your corset of deep abdominal muscles toned, and this helps reduce pregnancy back pain and aid the postnatal recovery of your abdominals. Pilates is also a relaxing form of pregnancy exercise, ideal if you have had a busy day at work.
Pilates was not, of course, originally designed for pregnancy fitness and, therefore, in its original form, most of the moves are not suitable for pregnancy after the first trimester. Given this, it is very important that you do Pilates that is specifically designed for pregnancy and taught by a qualified instructor who has trained in pre and postnatal fitness – just like my online pregnancy Pilates programme right here! Also, be sure to arm yourself with knowledge - my FREE Pregnancy Exercise Guide.
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The dos of pregnancy Pilates:
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The don’ts of pregnancy Pilates:
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Yes, absolutely, as long as it is pregnancy Pilates, and is taught carefully and thoughtfully by a fully qualified expert in pre and postnatal Pilates.
My online week-by-week pregnancy Pilates programme offers tailored Pilates to keep you fit, strong and ache-free throughout pregnancy and beyond.
Want to give it a FREE try?