To get you in the best possible shape at this unique time in your life I’ve put together the most comprehensive online pre and postnatal exercise programme available:
My unique programme (I don’t make it available anywhere else) will help you in 5 very specific ways:
Increase your energy levels and vitality
Greatly reduce and even prevent pre & postnatal backache and help manage pelvic pain
Safely and effectively target the postnatal ‘mummy tummy’ and close abdominal separation
Ensure that your diet and exercise programme is safe for you and your baby
Meet and connect with other lovely people just like you!
What can you expect when you sign up for your free 2 week trial?
A new weekly Pilates workout video. Each one is designed specifically for a different week of pregnancy or the week of the postnatal period that you are in. This means that whatever stage you are at right now, there is a video waiting for you this and every week until your baby is 6 months old.
50 weekly videos at £10 per video...
Linked to each video in the membership area there is a weekly ‘to do‘ list. This includes tips and suggestions for your specific stage of pregnancy or postnatal period. Many of these are hyperlinks to expert articles, recipes, food plans, breastfeeding advice or extra workouts. These are not chosen at random - they are written by experts and often include step by step instructions, photography etc.
Weekly research, advice and bonus material...
Tension relieving back and postural workouts...
14 ‘Mini mummy tummy’ workouts that can be squeezed into a few spare moments.
Flatter tummy workouts...
14 ‘Beat the baby bulge’ resistance and cardio mini workouts
Resistance and cardio workouts...
An exclusive online forum where you can share your thoughts and worries – big or small – with other mums and mums-to-be who are going through the same special phase of life as you.
Access to a panel of leading UK experts who are available on the forum to answer your specific questions and to offer you advice. Forum experts include, amongst others, an employment lawyer, a sleep advisor, a midwife and doula, two fussy eater advisors, and a breastfeeding specialist.
Expert forum advice and follow up support...
A lovely closed and secure facebook community of mums and mums-to-be who do my pregnancy and postnatal fitness online – a place to share, connect, laugh, chat and meet other lovely mamas just like you.
Closed, friendly community of mums and mums-to-be...
A weekly newsletter covering useful topical issues
Weekly newsletter subscription during and after pregnancy.
Last but most certainly not least, I really am here on hand to answer your questions and to offer you fitness advice that is tailored specifically to you. As a mother of three and a specialist in the field of pregnancy and postnatal fitness, there isn’t much I’ve not seen, experienced or helped with before. It may well be the first time that you are going through this truly life changing experience, but with all this help and knowledge just a click away, you really do have less to worry about and more to enjoy.
Fitness advice on tap from me during and after pregnancy...
Total value? My programme and all the wrap around care and information contains well over £2,000 worth of advice, material and insights to make your pregnancy and postnatal period happy, healthy and fit. And frankly, that’s adifficult thing to put a price on. But if you do decide to subscribe after the free trial you will pay just £12 a month – for many of you, that’s less than the price of a single exercise class.
But don’t decide anything yet. I want you to have access to all of this material for no charge over the next 2 weeks. Sign up for your free 2 week access online today.