
Postnatal core, cardio & strong-mama training in Leicestershire

Not yet had your 6 week check-up? Come along FOC to BuggyBabies for a walk and chat with the other mums - a lovely opportunity to connect with other new mums - just email me if you'd like to come along.




How Much

Sign up


Know someone who needs a break in life? Find out how you can offer the gift of movement to help someone through a tough time by applying for Zest4lifeUK's unique offering of free classes



CoreBaby! is a postnatal core stability programme, alongside cardio & resistance training to give you the all-round foundations to rebuild fitness safely and effectively, ready to get you back into your favourite pre-pregnancy exercise when the time is right for you….

  • individualised core exercises tailored to close abdominal separation (diastasis recti), strengthen pelvic floor & help relieve back pain
  • Work the entire body - upper, lower, core - and get the heart pumping
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Be kind to your joints and pelvic floor by being low impact but high energy
  • Build muscle mass so that you burn calories day and night!
  • rebuild your stamina with postnatal-friendly cardio
  • Get strong with safe resistance work tailored for your new mum body
  • Suitable from 6-8 weeks postpartum or 9 weeks+ post C section

No childcare needed – there's a great range of play gyms, nests and baby toys in class and your baby can be with you whilst you do your core work.

Stay on for a cuppa, a bite-sized treat (remember, I am a healthy vegan retreat chef too) and a chat with the mums after class.



Mother-and-baby exercise class, CoreBaby! is on Tuesdays at 9.45am.


CoreBaby! - my postnatal core, cardio & strong-mama training programme in Leicestershire - takes place in Woodhouse Community Hall, LE12 8TZ. 

How Much

All Zest4lifeUK Leicestershire pregnancy fitness classes are run as courses that you can start at any point, space permitting:

  • Message us for cost of current course & availability.

Sign up for CoreBaby!

Signing up is easy:

• Click on “registration form” which you will find in the menu down the left hand side of this screen
• Fill in the form and click “submit registration”
• I'll be in touch!