A group fitness programme has been designed for you, taking into account your health and activity levels. It may involve cardiovascular work, core stability training, and a mixture of indoors and outdoors activity.
All activities will be explained and demonstrated where necessary. Please feel free to ask questions about any part of the programme. Any exercise programme carries with it an element of risk. This programme is designed in such a way as to minimise the risk whilst conveying maximum training benefit to assist you in achieving your goals.
Please inform me if for any reason you should not participate in a particular exercise, or of any injury that you have which may be aggravated by exercise. If at any time during a class you feel undue pain or excessive discomfort, you should stop the exercise and inform me.
I agree to take part in the Zest4lifeUK course that I have signed up for and I understand that the programme will change and progress over the 10 weeks. The nature, purpose, risks and benefits have been explained to me.
I warrant that I have made a full and correct disclosure of my health status on the Medical Screening Questionnaire, that my status has not changed since the aforementioned disclosure and that I am not aware of any adverse medical condition in myself which Zest4lifeUK would expect me to reveal.
I understand that Zest4lifeUk does not bear any liability for personal injury however caused to any persons, including but not limited to myself as a result of my participation in this programme. Zest4lifeUK recognises that liability as a result of negligence cannot be excluded.